A Canadian Web Flame War in Progress II

Read below two posts for A Canadian Web Flame War in Progress
While it appears that this Flame War is no longer Kinsella vs Spector
It is now
Kinsella vs Wells
Spector vs a newcomer.
The newcomer is Kate, right-wing, with her blog Small Dead Animals which was voted “Best Canadian Blog” in an American Blog
voting contest.
Kate vs Norman is occuring on the Western Standard Group Blog.
So the Canadian Blogosphere now has two right of centres fighting each other in one corner, and two left of centres fighting each other in the other corner.
As a Poli. Sci. student, I find this very interesting. All four are making good points. I am logging these blogs for future use when I take Politics and The Media at McMaster.
Warren’s View
Norman’s View
Paul’s View
Oracle of Ottawa’s View
Kate’s Blog