"A nice big bow on a box labelled OpenGov and OpenData would be a gift for generations to come."

So says Hamilton Spectator managing editor Jim Poling as part his end-of-the-year wish in today’s print edition.

[quote_box author=”Jim Poling, ” profession=”managing editor”]
How about a great big box of sunshine for our publicly-funded institutions?

We live in an online world with an insatiable hunger for information that is portable, accessible in several formats and available on demand. I’d like to see full financial disclosure for public boards, committees, commissions, agencies including salaries funded by or assisted by public dollars.

More transparency and accountability around who paid for what, how much and why, will only strength our community, citizen engagement and democracy. It’s about finding solutions. A nice big bow on a box labelled OpenGov and OpenData would be a gift for generations to come.

Sunshine brings light and meaning. No secret deals, hidden contracts or fees. Publicly accessible data means citizens can apply their creativity and acumen and assist with public problem-solving.

One other wish for the coming year that involves a different kind of sunshine: Here’s hoping for gentle breezes and clear skies for two music fests in our community — Greenbelt Harvest Picnic and Festival of Friends.

His comments reflect a growing community consensus in favour of open data and open government.

Will Hamilton’s government’s and agencies continue to fight against the current or finally join us in making our community better?

2012 will tell, let’s hope they do.