The COVID reopening is good news. Starting this coming Friday July 16, nearly all indoor activities resume.
For me, it will create challenges as my vaccination cycle will not complete until the middle of August.
I live in Hamilton's L8R postal code and am in 30s age bracket. I received my first dose appointment, on July 1st. [The pharmacist was amazing].
July 29 is when I qualify for my second dose, and I plan to find a walk-in appointment that day. It being a Thursday, I expect I'll have my pick of pharmacies to get my second dose. [I plan to return to the same pharmacy if possible]
My August long-weekend will be the recovery period.

August 13 is when I plan to have my coffee at the Farmers' Market in my usual spot.
The reopening is a huge motivation for me to make sure to not delay on my second dose because I want to take part.
Step Four of the COVID framework is scheduled for three weeks after July 16, which is August 6. The Province says Step Four will require certain vaccination thesholds to be met. I expect the Province to accept close-enough to the thesholds and to enter Step Four - effectively no restrictions starting August 6.
We need to resume life, we need to manage the risk of COVID, and I expect we will quickly do so.
During the interim, I do ask for your understanding when you see me quickly moving in-and-out of indoor spaces. My Market shopping trips will be extremely brief. Similarly, I'll be quickly in-and-out when ordering coffee.
You are welcome to chat with me outdoors, sit at the same picnic table, and generally resume pre-COVID life outdoors.
*fingers crossed* for the big outdoor event in September which has not yet announced its plans for this year.