An Rare Typical Day

An Rare Typical Day

Without realizing it until now, today was my first day of normality in nearly two years.

I enjoyed a breakfast sandwich at a cafe, sitting outside as I did before COVID times.

I read agendas on the porch for the rest of the morning, into the early afternoon - my usual Saturday routine. The only difference now, I read them on my tablet instead of paper.

An afternoon walk in the Barton Village BIA for its Open Streets festival.

Dinner at a friend's home, with brief conversation inside - their household is all double vaccinated. [I am only two days past my first dose, therefore without immunity]

We ate in the backyard, as we did all those summers before COVID. Other than my wearing a mask indoors, this is a significant return to normal.

Following dinner, I went to AJ Sugar Bowl for ice cream.

Now, as Saturday night grows long, I sit writing while listening to Classic Saturday Night.

Upon realizing how at ease I feel, my mind realized - today is my first typical routine day in nearly two years. [The Southam Fellowship took me to Toronto two years ago]