The Judge in the SFSS G7 vs SDU has ruled that the forum meeting that called the SGM was valid.
He ruled that the SGM was valid.
He ruled that, as such, the impeachment of the G7 is valid.
He stated that even if he found that the forum meeting was not properly quorate, he would have still ruled the SGM valid due to the actions of the G7 President Shawn Hunsdale in ignoring the democratic will of the membership by refusing to call the SGM after students submitted a valid petition and the general undemocratic actions of the G7.
The judge also ruled that SFSS was not a petitioner on the case. The judge ruled that the impeached directors shall bare the legal costs for the hearings.
Hattip to Ben Milne, an SFU Grad Student, for the information. Students all across Canada celebrate this victory for student democracy with you.