Bourque: "Now is the time for Canada to help!"

Pierre Bourque of has posted the following on his site:

Bourque: “Now Is Time For Canada To Help !”
A personal message from Pierre: “Folks, you’ve been following the terribly destructive effect of Hurricane Katrina. Hundreds, likely thousands, of people have died. Hundreds of thousands have been devastated, they’ve lost everything. Millions have been affected in one way or another. As tragic news pours in from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and elsewhere in the American south, it seems incredible that the Government of Canada and various Provincial Governments have not stepped up to offer aid wherever/however they can. Not a peep, zip. “I don’t know, that’s not my department, I’m on holidays”, joked one Ontario Cabinet minister encountered by Bourque at an Ottawa restaurant early this afternoon. Come again, Mr. “Honourable” ? Is that how his American counterparts reacted when the devastating ice storm wreaked havoc through Ontario and Quebec back in 1998 ? … Let me be the first in this country to publicly ask the Prime Minister and Provincial Premiers to publicly offer up our collective help. Time to belly up to the bar, boys. Time to pour forth the milk of human kindness. Send in food, send in water cleaning machines, send in our military, send in a couple of hundred 2-seater Sea Doos to help save people from their rooftops … Whatever you need to do, do it now, do it while it can make a difference, do it while it can save lives … And one last thing, this a request to my readers, please spread the word, get the message out far and wide, shout it loud, talk to your MP or MPP, call the PMO (613) 992-4211, email the PM, tell your elected official that we need to help and we need to do it now. Thanks, – pierre

In terms of Water Purification, we have Zenon Industries down the QEW from Toronto in Burlington. It is time to do what we did in Sri Lanka (and I am not referring to the PM’s photo-op) and send purification units to New Orleans ASAP!
Join the call to action and let PM Martin know that after sitting on his butt for a week after the Tsumani last year that we no longer tolerate his inaction when it results in Canada not helping people who are suffering because of natural disasters!