SFSS BoD Ignores 2,425 of its Members
Tepidly breaking news tonight – and what everyone was expecting – Students for a Democratic University is reporting that the SFSS BoD is rejecting the petition of 2,424 students calling for a special general meeting.
The SFSS claims this is because the Society Act of BC sets out a 10% threshold of ‘requisitioners’ who must call for an SGM. This in despite of the fact that the Act also states that a Society must listen to its bylaws (here, the SFSS Bylaws state a threshold of 5%) and the fact that personnel in the Ministry of Finance (Registrar of Societies) agree that the 5% is sufficient.
The most heartbreaking of all this, aside from the fact that the SFSS and SDU are now going to court, which will cost us all more money? The SDU had 9.8% of the membership. 0.2% away from the SFSS’s illegally high threshold.
This is definitely not good. This is definitely going to the courts by the sounds of things.
Now, what started this all? Read this edition of The Peak from the end of the summer to find out.
July 31st 2006 Edition