With the Christmas slowdown finally underway, I’ve found some time to start diving into coding my WordPress theme.
I haven’t coded with much depth since mid-2007 when my journalism started to overtake my programming.
I’ve never really dove into WordPress like I dove into MovableType – the blogging CMS that powered the first four years of JoeyColeman.ca.
The MovableType version of my blog was extensively customized with many modifications from the default template which was the based of the site.
I was able to code those modifications during a series of all-nighters in the Engineering computer lab during my first year at the University of Manitoba and the odd all-nighter (often night shift working) during my time at McMaster.
This weekend, I’m taking advantage of a four day weekend to do a few all-nighters at think|haus coding my site.
Thus far:
- I’ve coded my Mediabugs WordPress plugin to appear in the info bar at the top of my blog post instead of at the bottom of the post content.
My hope is to increase the visibility of the button, making it easier for readers to report errors - Changes to the CSS
A couple changes to the typography for blockquotes and “report an error” to improve readability - Revision History in the sidebarI’ve coded the revision history into the sidebar for better readability and to increase transparency of post histories
For the next week or so, I’ll be doing a few all-nighters working on updating and changing my site. For this time, thing may appear messy or incomplete (ie. the single post sidebar right now)
The blog is one of only four unique installs, I’ll be creating separate sub-sites for coding and mapping. As well, my mainpage will be reestablished as a portfolio.