Hamilton’s city planning committee went in-camera today to discuss the Ontario Municipal Board hearings on the City’s Setting Sail plan.
Planning committee chair and Ward 9 councillor Brad Clark says the matter will go to the next Council meeting and details will be shared with the public during the meeting.
Setting Sail is the official secondary plan for the lands north of York Blvd., west of Wellington St, and to the waters edge.
[](http://blog.joeycoleman.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/Setting_Sail_Area.jpg)Area covered by the Setting Sail plan
The plan includes the Barton-Tiffany neighbourhood more commonly referred to as the West Harbour lands. The City expropriated most of the homes in this area in 2010 as part of plans to build the Pan-Am games stadium. The stadium was instead located in it’s current location of Ivor Wynne.
There is intense public interest in the fate of these now City-owned lands.
The next Council meeting is February 8th starting at 5pm.