During the next few months, the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board will undergo the process of determining which elementary schools it will close.
I will provide the best coverage that I can within the resources.
Coverage Plan
Here’s what I commit to doing:
- Inform you of each public meeting as soon as I learn of them;
- Maintain a section of the website dedicated to the closure process that is updated with the latest information; and
- Livestream the third or fourth public meeting in each of the four ARCs (Accommodation Review Committees – the Board euphemism for closure review committees).
I have limitations to what coverage I can provide. I’m one person, with one camera. If I’m livestreaming, there is a cost to doing so in various locations across the City. A cost, that even with the funding model I’m about to launch, I may not be able to budget for livestreaming all these meetings.
I’m already working an average of 84 hours each week. (Yes, I work every day and pretty much every waking hour I have)
I have to cover City Hall. I cover the School Board in addition to this as much as I can.
In the event that third and fourth ARCs are scheduled for the same time as City Council meetings, City Council shall take priority.
Other media coverage
Media traditionally doesn’t cover process and school closures do not make the news until the final decision is being made. Even then, the coverage is limited.
This meant many people were surprised when the HWDSB announced the closure several secondary schools this spring.
I hope that the possibility that I will cover ARCs will have the same effect as my coverage of City Hall, that being that it will force other media to cover school closures process.
HWDSB School Closure Committees website
More information about the school closure committees, visit the HWDSB website here.