Non-residential commercial and office DCs will increase to $19.65/sq ft from the present $16.16.
Industrial DC rates will remain frozen.
Other highlights include:
- Parking Structures are 100% exempt from DCs. Councillors moved to have staff report on the reasoning behind this exemption.
- Public Hospitals get a 50% exemption from DCs, and the ability to spend DC payments over a period of time.
- Academic and Teaching uses (Schools and Post-Secondary) will continue to enjoy a 100% DC exemption, excluding transit DCs for post-secondary institutions.
- Affordable housing is 100% exempt if they are receiving funding from affordable housing programs. (Habitat for Humanity builds will continue to be case-by-case exemptions with Council motion for each build)
Here are the slides from today’s presentation by staff:
The DC Stakeholders Committee will meet one more time before making recommendations to Council.Original (Pre-meeting) Story
The City is conducting its required 5-year study of development charges, and is holding the second of three planned stakeholder meetings to discuss changes to DCs.
The City plans to have the new DC bylaw in effective on July 6, 2014, when the current bylaw expires.
Council’s DC Stakeholders committee includes representation from the Hamilton-Halton Homebuilders Association, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Hamilton/Burlington Real Estate Board. There are two citizens-at-large, John Chivers-Wilson and Melanie Winterle, on the committee.
Four Councillors sit, in the minority, on the committee: Brad Clark (Ward 9), Brenda Johnson (Ward 11), Judi Partridge (Ward 15), and Maria Pearson (Ward 10).
By comparison, Burlington’s rate is presently $17.21/sq ft with a planned increase to $20.55.
Staff also recommended decreasing the DC exception for developments in the downtown core – where infrastructure already exists – from a 90% exception to 75%. The phase-in suggested is either immediately or over 5 years.
The 10% currently charged to downtown developments can be directed by developers to the City’s downtown public art fund.
Here’s the agenda for today’s meeting: