I’ll be busy tomorrow with a few open data projects and will not be covering the election much.
Not that I’ll need to. It appears The Spectator will be following my lead and mapping results tomorrow night.
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One of their editors attended a free mapping workshop I gave in Toronto two months ago and hopefully brought those skills into their newsroom.
While I’ve been declared competition by The Hamilton Spectator and OpenFile Hamilton, in fact, I don’t strive to compete with them. I prefer to focus on the news that is not being covered. As TheSpec will be mapping results, there is little need for me to provide the same service.
I had a great time live-mapping the results of the federal election in Hamilton East Stoney Creek. I’m looking forward to sitting back and watching TheSpec do the same across the region.
Don’t worry, I’ll be doing something soon after the election to push my skills past their present limits.