I am, in my role as an UMSU Councillor, investigating Food Services at other Universities in Canada to try to stop the exploitation that is occuring here at the University of Manitoba.
I am going to the UMSU office right now to book the Council Chambers for an “Open House Consultation” on this matter.
Oh yeah, today is the defense panel.
I am going to ask:
- With our Defense budget being the 16th highest in the world we are spending more per capita than most countries in the world yet we have nothing to show for it. With this in mind, would it not make more sense for the country to not increase the Defense budget, instead would it not make sense to get rid of the tens of thousands of uniformed bureaucrats that do nothing more than chase their tails in Ottawa everyday?
I choose this one based on feedback in my rez and then it is a nice rhetoric feel with the ending “tens of thousands of uniformed bureaucrats that do nothing more than chase their tails in Ottawa everyday?”