I’ve been asked if I will be livestreaming future Hamilton Police media conferences about the Tim Bosma homicide investigation.
I do not plan to cover them if they occur at the same time as City Hall meetings.
I cover City Hall primarily and am often the only reporter at 71 Main West. The video streams are the only record of many meetings.
There will be many other media outlets at the police briefings and no shortage of coverage.
When will there be streams?
If not meetings are occurring at City Hall, or if Police indicate they are releasing information to generate more public tips, a stream will be provided.
Book of Condolence and Bank Account for Donations
The City of Hamilton will provide a book of condolence for the public to sign on Friday at Ancaster Old Town Hall on Wilson Street from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The Bosma family has set up a bank account for donations – this is the only official donation channel:
TD Canada Trust branch 2047
Account no. 6332096
Email inquiries: inmemoryoftimbosma@gmail.com