Hamilton’s ranking in relative tax burden compared to other municipalities is poor with many property classes among the highest in the province.
Hamilton uses a group of other municipalities – including all in the Golden Horseshoe – as comparators. Hamilton’s residential taxes for a detached bungalow are 9% above the comparator average.
Hamilton’s property taxes are approximately 4.3% of an average household’s income, the average of comparators is 4%. Hamilton’s lower average income contributes to the above average ranking.
Commercial property taxes are significantly below or above average depending on the category of the business. Office buildings are 18% below average, whereas neighbourhood shopping centres are 25% above average.
Much the same with industrial. Large industrial properties are taxed 28% below average, standard industrial taxes are 26% above average.
Read the Full Report Below:
*[Watch Live Coverage of Council’s Audit, Finance, and Administration meeting on Wednesday starting at 9:30am](http://joeycoleman.ca/2014/08/13/hamilton-audit-finance-and-admin-committee-for-august-13-2014/)*