Today on his blog ( is taking on Big Tobacco as big Tobacco fights against clear air for Ontarians. Warren is going to fight back! Go Warren!
Warren wrote the following on his blog:
March 29, 2005 – I detect the unmistakable stench of Big Tobacco money. And there’s little I despise more than Big Tobacco.
I’m looking into Tory linkages to this sort of sophistry. If you find out anything, don’t hesitate to email me at Time to teach these people a lesson.
Dalton McGuinty’s Ontario – Who’s Your Nanny?
TORONTO, March 29 /CNW/ – Tired of the McGuinty government telling you how to live your life? Concerned the government is making too many decisions for you? Today, the Fair Air Association of Canada (FAAC) launched an electronic video ad to let you know about the latest government measure to further control your life.
While tongue in cheek, the video has a serious message the government won’t share with you: their new smoking ban will result in business closures and job losses in bars, pubs, charity bingos and Legion halls across the province.
In the coming weeks, the FAAC will launch more ads in newspapers and on radio stations across the province to let you know how the McGuinty government ban will hurt Ontario’s vibrant hospitality industry in every town and city across the province.
Fact is, there is a ‘win-win’ solution to the public smoking debate; one that preserves the livelihood of those who work in Ontario’s hospitality industry — the Province’s largest employer — and accommodates both those who wish to avoid tobacco smoke and those who choose to smoke. The solution is ventilation. It is a solution that has been used successfully around the world and in Canada including British Columbia, Nova Scotia, P.E.I. and Quebec and is currently available in Ontario.
But not for long if Mr. McGuinty has his way.
Ventilation works. It’s only fair.
The Fair Air Association of Canada (FAAC) is a diverse group of organizations, businesses and individuals committed to the promotion of sound ventilation science and support of the hospitality industry. Find out more about the FAAC and ventilation solutions at
For further information: For media inquiries please contact:
XXXXXXX, CEO, Fair Air Association of Canada (FAAC), (416) XXX-XXXX
or 416-XXX-XXXX; For a copy of this video for broadcast, please contact:
XXXXXXXXX, The Communicor Group, 416-XXX-XXXX