Of interest to my readers from Simon Fraser
SFSS Impeachment Email Campaign, Pass It On!
As everyone is well aware, a large portion of the SFU student body recently voted to impeach several directors of the SFSS. Glyn Lewis, Margo Dunnet, Vanessa Kelly, Wei Li, Erica Halpern, and Marion Pollock have all refused to respect the wishes of the students and step down. This has resulted in legal action and SFSS bank accounts being frozen. As mentioned in the “member update” this week in The Peak, until this financial matter is resolved no departmental student unions or clubs will receive funding. Also, as they failed to mention, the Student Society’s food services (Higher Grounds, the Highland Pub, The Ladle, and catering) have been comprised because the commercial suppliers of these services are not being paid. This will inevitably result in these operations being shut down and in the layoff of Student Society employees. Plus, possibly no beer on campus.
Go over to Jenn’s Space to read the whole email: Jenn – Genevieve’s space: The Comment from the Last Blog – to ensure it gets read by all