My buddy, Minister of Human Resources and Social Development, Monte Solberg is not running for re-election.
I am just as shocked as everyone else (especially since I make it my business to stalk him).
Solberg performed very well in his portfolio. While his initial response to criticism of the Canada Student Loan Program was very slow, he managed to wrestle money at the cabinet table for the reforms announced last week.
Solberg gave no reason for his sudden departure, however, he did read my blog post encouraging people to make his blog a major campaign issue and vote against the government to free Solberg to return to blogging again.
Maybe, knowing this was an issue, he decided to take one for the Conservative team.
Back to being serious.
Whatever the reason for his departure, he will return.
During the summer, Solberg attended French language training and he made significant use of this official language last week in Kitchener.
A man planning to leave federal politics for good does not spend weeks preparing to be Prime Minister.