I still have plenty of readership at the University of Manitoba, hence I blog to them every once in awhile. Today, I blog for their reading. I was on one of my old college’s websites today looking for the latest edition of the College newsletter. Did not find a new one but did find the following announcement:
Live Music, Thursdays at the Daily Bread Café
Friday, September 29, 2006 11:48 AM**LIVE! **Jazz, Opera, Classical, and New Music Thursdays
Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm, beginning October 5
Starting Thursday, October 5, St John’s College will be partnering with the Faculty of Music to establish a series of weekly musical performances live in the Daily Bread Café at St John’s College.
The performances will cover a wide range of tastes. Jazz, Opera, Classical, and New Music will all be featured, performed by the aspiring musicians of the Faculty of Music.
Come join us at the Daily Bread Café every Thursday at 6:00 pm, starting October 5, and enjoy a nice meal while you listen to some great live music!