I am currently at the Ward One Councillor Debate in Gilmour Hall. The turnout is extremely poor. Just the MSU-types, MSU-staff, University staff, and campaign teams. I actually one see one student that does not fit into the above categories. It is too bad, clearly a reflection of the last minute organization of the debate and lack of long-term promotion of the event. Students on campus vote on Wednesday. The vast majority of them have no clue because the MSU Vice-President Education is asleep at the switch on this issue. We have had no mayoral debate. That is a complete shame. One only has to look at Saskatchewan and Manitoba where there are also Municipal Elections this year to see what Student Unions can do.
There was also a well attended Mayoral debate at the University of Toronto organized by their Student Union.
Tony Greco –
“Too Much talk not enough action in the last three years”
“Built respect on both sides”
“Built more residences downtown for students”
“Keep Quarters (student union bar) open”
Brian McHattie
“Popham (MSU President) doing great job with the rest of Executive”
“Attract more business to Hamilton” “Triple-Bottom line approach – business attracted to economic, environment, and social bottom-line. Fair wages, good benefits, control emissions, strong business bottom line to be successful. Dofasco is a excellent example of this.”
– more local purchasing
– more working with credit unions to increase local investment
– focus on local small businesses “a lot less risky to invest in small business than to spend more chasing big multi-nationals which do not have Hamilton’s interests in mind”
– need to work to keep McMaster (and Mohawk, and Redeemer) students in Hamilton when they graduate
– in favour of keeping Quarters open.
Fred Spencer
Very much on the attack on Brian McHattie. Not much of substance. I am not even bothering to repeat what he said because it shows that he is clearly just an attack candidate.
…. more to come…