Zac Spicer, a McMaster Student who does a great job of blogging on his blog: Towards A Just Society, posted on Facebook that Mark Holland (M.P. Ajax-Pickering) will be speaking at McMaster this Thursday, January 11th at 7pm for two hours in MUSC 311/313.
Wikipedia (naturally) has an article on him with the following:
Holland has been named by the Globe and Mail as a member of the new ‘Rat Pack’ and was voted by the Hill Times as the most effective Opposition MP in Question Period and the ‘Best Up-And-Comer’ (December, 2006) . Mark is also known for his impressive style in question period and for posing hard questions in Committee. Stockwell Day has referred to Mark as ‘Perry Mason on Steroids’ and ‘the Caped Crusader’ during their sometimes heated exchanges in the Public Safety and National Security meetings. Macleans has labeled Holland – ‘Part Attack Dog – Part King Maker’ for his going after Conservatives and for his role in the 2006 leadership campaign.
I am hoping to interview him for a Silhouette column to run the following week.
I am doing a throw out to my readership, what do you want to know from this M.P.?