Hamilton Ward One Councillor Brian McHattie is moving the following motion:
West Harbour Stadium Site
Whereas, there remains considerable uncertainty as to the possibility of the CPR yard lands as a location for the Pan-Am Soccer Stadium as evidenced in staff report CM09006(i), including outstanding financial, transportation, relocation of existing industry, and land remediation cost issues, and;
Whereas, the Hostco September 23, 2010 letter from Ian Troop to Chris Murray requires a definitive stadium site selection and City of Hamilton commitments on leasehold interests, remediation costs, risk assessment, and additional funding commitments to achieve a 25,000+ seat stadium, by September 29, 2010, and;
Whereas, there is a very real possibility that Hamilton stands to lose any Pan Am stadium investment altogether.
Therefore Be It Resolved:
(a) That the City of Hamilton commit to the West Harbour stadium site (including other site commitments as required in the Sept 23/010 Ian Troop letter), and request that the Hamilton Tiger-Cats provide a letter committing to the West Harbour, or;
(b) That should the Hamilton Tiger-Cats not wish to commit to the West Harbour stadium site location, that $20M from the Future Fund Pan Am Games allocation be re-directed to the renovation of Ivor Wynne Stadium, and that staff report back on options for re-allocating the remainder of the $45M Future Fund stadium allocation.
Listen to the meeting live:
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