New York Governor Eliot "Mr. Clean" Spitzer is embroiled in a sex scandal which will likely finish his political career.
One of my hobbies last winter was following New York state politics, I even listened live to Spitzer’s swearing in as Governor on WNYC. Spitzer was the great hope when he went to Albany, now he will be remembered on a trivia card in the future.
Should make for interesting talk later this morning on The Brian Lehrer Show.
I expect Spitzer will resign some point this afternoon.
UPDATE: The new governor (when Spitzer finally resigns) looks even better than he did just over a year ago. Actually, this guy has the ability to avoid the political problems that Spitzer caused myself during his first year as governor. Who knows, if these guy does a good job as governor of New York state, there may yet be both a black and New Yorker in the White House come 2012. (Running for President is as much about the narrative as it is about the platform.)