I’ve behind by two days on my study schedule and do not plan to blog on either Sunday or Monday.
I’ll be back on Tuesday.
On the schedule for Tuesday: Metrolinx is holding a media session to brief us on the Greater Toronto-Hamilton draft Regional Transportation Plan and Investment Strategy; Jack Layton will be in Hamilton; the architects of Oshawa’s anti-student housing bylaw are in Hamilton at the invitation of the anti-student Ainslie Wood/Westdale Community Association of Resident Homeowners Inc. (AWWCA).
An interesting sidenote, the AWWCA held one of their regular “Hey Hey Ho Ho! The students have to go” rallies today, and one of the professionally made signs provided for protesters called on McMaster University President Peter George to resign. 1
The Ontario Legislative Assembly returns from summer recess on Monday. I’ll try to make a trip up during the week to ask the Minister of Training, Colleges, and Universities John Milloy “Whatzz up?” It was be nice to directly question him instead of dealing with his staff. He’s one of the most intelligent politicians I’ve ever met and he knows his portfolio; his political staff make him appear to be incompetent.
Of course, if the NDP or Conservatives unveil their post-secondary platforms on Monday; I’ll be online to cover it.
- According to a reporter from McMaster’s student newspaper The Silhouette, the signs actually belong to the ever more anti-student group known as WADS. WADS stands for “Westdale Against Drunk Students.”