I’m finally starting my Monday schedule – during Wednesday afternoon.
I’m off to the Boys and Girls Clubs for a quick meeting before going to fix my grandmother’s wifi router that’s acting up.
I’m meeting at the Club on a few projects I volunteer with. The first is writing a script for the membership database for a prize contest (I believe) which should be a fun project that I’ll enjoy as it’s coding. The second is the Downtown Youth Centre project which I’m liaison for with think|haus. The third is the McMaster Children’s University.
Think|haus is involved with managing the computer network at the Youth Centre and teaching the youth how to manage the network themselves. It’s a really exciting project for many of us at think|haus as many of us started on computers back in the 90s when students were the only ones who understood networking. Myself, I ran my high school computer network (even had a master key for every room in my high school) for three years which leads to my involvement on school board committees when I joined the Board’s IT committee (I wasn’t going to let some suits tell me how to run “my” network).
The McMaster Children and Youth University is an amazing outreach project of the University. Each month, the University offers a lecture designed for children and youth open to the public. The University also hosts a group of about 40 children from the Boys and Girls Clubs for a tour of the campus and front row seats to the lecture. (I’m working on an extensive blog post about this experience and the positive impact it is already having.)
I’m looking forward to moving forward on this fun projects today.