TorStar: McMeekin commits to changing system

*The Toronto Star *profiles [] provincial Community and Social Services Minister Ted McMeekin as he embarks on reforming the province’s social assistance programs. Last week, McMeekin announced […

HWDSB: Malloy's Back to School Video

Dr. John Malloy, Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board’s Director of Education, address principals and vice-principals last week calling for them to engage and inspire students in the coming year with a committment to excellence. [youtube][/youtube] […

Special Investigations Unit Investigating Red Hill Valley Parkway Collision

[![SIU investigating on Bold Street, November 18, 2012 (Joey Coleman)](]( investigating on Bold Street, November 18, 2012 (Joey Coleman)Ontario’s Special Investigations…

Your Tax Dollars at Waste: MacNab Transit Terminal

The finishing touches of a $565,000 HSR improvement project, originally scheduled for completion in November 2012, are underway. [![$565,000 for four display monitors](](…

School Board Chooses Shirley Glauser as New Stoney Creek Trustee

Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board Trustees choose stability and familiarity for themselves last night with Shirley Glauser to represent Stoney Creek. Glauser, a well-known and widely involved Ancaster resident, served on the School Board during the 2006-2010 term representing Winona, Glanbrook, and urban Ancaster. Glauser was one of 21 candidates [http:…

Special HWDSB Board Meeting on August 26, 2013

The trustee vacancy caused by the sudden and untimely death of Robert Barlow will be filled this week. Barlow, who represented Stoney Creek’s Ward 9 & 10, died May 29 [] at the age of 47. Under the Education Act, Hamilton-Wentworth District School…