Hamilton Police officer injured in struggle with suspect who escaped

As Hamilton Police place all their available resources into finding Tim Bosma, crime in the city is not taking any rest. A situation earlier today – that thankfully only resulted in minor injuries to a police officer – is a reminder of the stark reality that policing can be a dangerous career.…

Bosma Family Press Conference (May 9, 2013)

The Bosma Family made an appeal to the abductors of Tim Bosma for his safe return on May 9, 2013 /> COPYLEFT NOTICE: I, the creator of this video, release the video into the public domain without copyright, restrictions, or attribution requirements. You may download it on my Vimeo page here:…

Hamilton City Council meeting for May 8, 2013 [LIVE Wednesday 5pm]

Hamilton City Council is meeting Wednesday. Highlights on the agenda: * Letter from OLG President & CEO Rod Phillips’ about the casino issue * Launching an investigation by the integrity commissioner into the Mayor’s alleged behaviour at the last Council meeting * Appointing a new citizen member of the Police Services Board * Possible…

Hamilton Future Fund Board Meeting [Mon May 6, 2pm]

The Board of the Hamilton Future Fund will meet on Monday, May 6, 2013 at 2pm and the big item on the agenda is the proposed new Scott Park high school. City Council is asking the future fund to consider funding for the new high school – funding that could possibly…