Open Data and the City of Hamilton - getting there?

Are we making progress on open data at City Hall? Looking at the City website’s open data page, the answer is a resounding no. The policy was suppose to be sent to Council this week, but it is now delayed again – this time until June 10, 2013. Behind the…

Emergency and Community Services Committee for March 25, 2013

Today’s Meeting will start on a good note: Presentation of Governors General Commendation for a paramedic who, off-duty, saved a woman’s life. Other paramedics will be honoured for their work – and for some, meet the person they saved for the first time. LIVE at 1:30pm On the…

Audit, Finance, and Administration for March 25, 2013

City Council’s audit, finance, and administration committee will meet today with fair wages for contractors the hot topic of the day. Also on the agenda: 2012 expense summaries for Councillors and the Mayor, and numerous financial control & audit reports. Live coverage begins at 9:30am Fair Wage Dozens of…