Hamilton City Council GIC meeting for September 6, 2012

LIVE Note: This is an experiment in liveblogging using the WordPress platform. In theory, it will automatically update as I type. You will see my initial spelling errors and blemishes in real-time. City Council is meeting as General Issues Committee this morning. Items of note on the agenda: * Public delegation…

Surprises: Internships go the well-to-do and kids of the well-connected

Surprise! Unpaid internships go to well-off kids because they can afford to work them. Paid internships also go to the well-to-do because of their well-connected parents. Not to worry, nobody is addressing this crisis. As noted by the program, journalism is one of the worst professions for discrimination against lower…

INFOSEC is important for journalists, Reuters shows why

Yet another journalism site is hacked and still we don’t discuss information security? Reuters has been hacked [http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/08/17/reuters_blogs_hacked_again/] – yet again – for the third time this month. Another false story is published, but it doesn’t become widely spread.…

Busted: WashPo reporter allowed college to alter story

Sadly, I’m not the slightest bit surprised to learn of a higher education reporter serving the interests of those they are covering instead of those who they are writing for. Daniel de Vise, a reporter for the Washington Post (which relies on Kaplan for revenue), allowed University of Texas…