City Council to vote on LRT report Thursday

In an anti-climatic 106 page report [] , Hamilton city staff are recommending City Council continue pursuing studies towards the building of a rapid transit light rail B-Line and A-Line in Hamilton – provided Metrolinx…

Statement by Mayor Bratina upon the passing of Hamilton's Santa Claus Jimmy Lomax

The following is a statement issued today by Mayor Bob Bratina upon learning of the passing of Hamilton’s Santa Claus Jimmy Lomax: Media Release: Mayor Bratina’s remarks regarding the passing of Jimmy Lomax 1 message -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Chapman, Peggy **** 10 October 2011 13:37 **To: “DL – News Media (Local)…

Statement by Mayor Bratina upon the passing of Hamilton's Santa Claus Jimmy Lomax

The following is a statement issued today by Mayor Bob Bratina upon learning of the passing of Hamilton’s Santa Claus Jimmy Lomax: Media Release: Mayor Bratina’s remarks regarding the passing of Jimmy Lomax 1 message -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Chapman, Peggy **** 10 October 2011 13:37 **To: “DL – News Media (Local)…

Tweets embedded on this blog are "live" not screen captures

A note: tweets are embedded on this blog using the WordPress plugin “Blackbird Pie []“. Each tweet is embedded as a Twitter indent – this means all the links are live and one can retweet, favourite, or reply from the blog post. I’ve been using…

Tweets embedded on this blog are "live" not screen captures

A note: tweets are embedded on this blog using the WordPress plugin “Blackbird Pie []“. Each tweet is embedded as a Twitter indent – this means all the links are live and one can retweet, favourite, or reply from the blog post. I’ve been using…

Commenting closed error

It seems one of my plugins is causing an error that results in commenting being closed on new posts. I’m working to correct this error. If you see a new post with comments closed and wish to comment, tweet me – @JoeyColeman – to remind me I need to go into…