What portfolio will McMeekin receive with Hamilton's cabinet seat?

Hamilton’s current provincial Cabinet Minister Sophia Aggelonitis lost her Hamilton Mountain riding tonight to the NDP. With this Hamilton’s seat at the Cabinet table is vacant and only one Liberal remains standing: Ted McMeekin. It will be surprising if third term premier Dalton McGuinty breaks with tradition and…

What portfolio will McMeekin receive with Hamilton's cabinet seat?

Hamilton’s current provincial Cabinet Minister Sophia Aggelonitis lost her Hamilton Mountain riding tonight to the NDP. With this Hamilton’s seat at the Cabinet table is vacant and only one Liberal remains standing: Ted McMeekin. It will be surprising if third term premier Dalton McGuinty breaks with tradition and…

Today's email exchange Bratina vs. Whitehead

In it’s entirety as of 1847EDT (2247GMT) today: **Whitehead, Terry **** 5 October 2011 18:47 **To: “Chapman, Peggy”, DL – Council OnlyCc: “DL – News Media (Local)”The Mayor made his comments without attempting to contact me by phone or e-mail before the Fairness committee convened. He chose to raise the…

Today's email exchange Bratina vs. Whitehead

In it’s entirety as of 1847EDT (2247GMT) today: **Whitehead, Terry **** 5 October 2011 18:47 **To: “Chapman, Peggy”, DL – Council OnlyCc: “DL – News Media (Local)”The Mayor made his comments without attempting to contact me by phone or e-mail before the Fairness committee convened. He chose to raise the…

Expect little election night coverage from me this time

I’ll be busy tomorrow with a few open data projects and will not be covering the election much. Not that I’ll need to. It appears The Spectator will be following my lead and mapping results tomorrow night. [blackbirdpie id=”121699374786019328″] One of their editors attended a free mapping…

The campus affinity for the street meat vendor

I’m always found the affinity between street meat vendors and the university students they serve interesting. Why do students (and staff) become fond of their local barbecuer of the high sodium high fat meat product? I first encountered this phenomenon in 2006 when Dalhousie and the City of Halifaxattempted…

Let the City of Hamilton budget process begin!

The City Clerk’s office released the dates of City Council’s first round of budget meetings this morning. They are: > This will confirm the following GIC Budget meetings have been scheduled in the Council Chambers, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm: October 13 – GIC – Light Rail Transit October…

Infortainment vs news

NOTE: The following is my intended final version of this post. A draft version appeared due to a versioning error. As I believe in transparency, that draft version remains publicly visible in the revision history. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was an interesting public debate I conducted on Twitter with The Hamilton Spectator…