Ontario Regulation 444/98

The regulation governing the sale of surplus school board property is Ontario Regulation 444/98. The full regulation is available on the Ontario eLaws site: http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/regs/english/elaws_regs_980444_e.htm The eLaws website does not include any correspondence or policy directives…

Board of Ed. building deal may need more money

Hamilton Mayor Bob Bratina is calling it Hamilton’s “finest hour,” Hamilton City Council voted Tuesday to give McMaster University $47-million towards the purchase of the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board administrative headquarters in downtown Hamilton. The money will fund the purchase and demolition of the present Board of Education…

How many reporters is a developer worth?

Is a good journalistic web developer worth two, four, six, or even eight reporters? This was the topic of an interesting conversation last night during Wednesday’s Open Hamilton [http://www.openhamilton.ca] night at think|haus [http://www.thinkhaus.org]. At a table of news consumers who get their…

Harper visits Hamilton to make routine announcement - it's all about winning in 2015

My apologies for the messy design of my website at present. I’m in the process of upgrading and customizing a new version of the template I use. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prime Minister Stephen Harper paid Hamilton a visit to unveil Canada’s newest [http://www.vanier.gc.ca/eng/scholar_search-chercheur_…

Updating my site - new theme: Mystique 3.0 alpha

You’re probably wondering what’s happened to this website? Where are all the nice icons for my presences on Web 2.0 websites, why the change in background graphic, why the bad font for the top banner, why, why, why? I upgraded my theme to version Mystique 3.0…

Lesson learned: Never give Hamilton City Council a deadline

> Update: Moments after posting this, The Hamilton Spectator reacted by publishing that they’ve been told there is now a deadline of August 30. I’m only slightly annoyed that days of dogged reporting is for nothing. The post below remains on my site, despite the sudden change from information…

Dowsing - Hamilton's swimming app

I’ve created a map of all the public swimming locations and splash pads in Hamilton. It’s been a lot of work and I’ve really pushed myself to get a public release candidate out this week. I’ll write more about it in the near future when I’…