Learning to love the opera

The following article was published in the Arts and Entertainment section of the McMaster Silhouette in June of 2009 Opera, just the word conjures up memories of Looney Tune cartoons with a fat lady singing and a bunch of old men with bad toupees; a false childhood stereotype which I…

Nervous York students demand gov’t action

Dozens of York University students descended on the Ontario legislature today to demand government intervention to end a nearly month-old strike by York’s teaching assistants, graduate assistants, and contract faculty. > See also: Mediator suspends York talks [http://oncampus.macleans.ca/education/2008/11/29/mediator-suspends-york-talks/] The strike, which began…

Canada’s new government and higher education

(My apologies on the shortage of blog posts today – damn essays) Looks like we will have a new government very soon. What could this mean for higher education? At this point, naturally, we don’t know. However, we could see the some changes proposed in Budget 2008 [http://oncampus.macleans.…

Mediator suspends York talks

The provincial mediator in the York University strike has suspended talks [http://oncampus.macleans.ca/education/2008/12/01/no-further-negotiations-scheduled-for-york-strike/] after days of negotiation proved fruitless. The two sides have been meeting since Thursday in the hopes of reaching an agreement. “It’s so disappointing and frustrating for our 50,…

Queen’s TA union vote too close to call

The Queen’s Journal is reporting [http://www.queensjournal.ca/story/2008-11-27/news/teaching-assistant-fellow-unionization-vote-result/] the first round of counting in the Queen’s teaching assistants and teaching fellows union certification vote is inconclusive. 378 people voted against union certification, 332 for certification and 93 ballots were segregated pending Labour Board…

Student politics junkie? Here’s your fix.

The Canadian University Press is live-blogging [http://conferenceottawa.wordpress.com/] the Canadian Federation of Students national assembly in Ottawa this week. The blog is written en francais. (Google Translate here [http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fconferenceottawa.wordpress.com%2F&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=fr&tl=…

CFS says it never gave money to York strikers, Part II

We finally have confirmation from the CFS of what they allege is false in the Excalibur story. We received the following email today from Ian Boyko, CFS spokesperson: > Every statement about the Canadian Federation of Students in the original post, including the title, is false. The Canadian Federation of Students…