Finally, an apology

The president of the Carleton University Student Association, after days of public outrage and with a petition for her impeachment on its way, finally apologies for the blatant sexism and racism of the motion. The letter is online here:…

Dalhousie Student Union: We don’t support CUSA decision

From the blog of the DSU president on the Carleton University Student Association motion: > Myself, other executives, councilors, and students all wanted to make it very clear to the CUSA’s student council that we did not support their decision and to the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation that the DSU…

CFS says it never gave money to York strikers

Yesterday, I pointed [] out an interesting article [] in the York University student newspaper stating the Canadian Federation of Students gave $2,500 to CUPE…

Will Canada’s largest student union join the CFS?

This week, according to sources, a delegation lead by UBC AMS vp external Stefanie Ratjen is attending the Canadian Federation of Students general meeting in Ottawa. Considering the AMS recently left CASA, this could be the first step towards CFS membership for Canada’s largest student union.…

Coleman on air: CHQR 770AM Calgary. Topic: CUSA

I will be live on The Rutherford Show at 10:30am Mountain Time. (12:30pm Eastern) The topic will be the Carleton University Student Association situation. You can listen to the live stream at and click on the Listen Live link.…

Must Read: Rybak on CUSA situation

Jeff Rybak wrote an amazing piece related to the CUSA situation last night, and it is definitely a must-read. Check it out: Why dumb things happen around smart students [] .…

Offline for a few hours

I’m going to be offline for a few hours at the meeting of the vast right-wing conspiracy. Hopefully the food is good tonight. Actually, I’m just heading out to study for a bit, coffee with a friend and then kicking ass at Civilization Revolution. Regrets in advance if…