The Varsity magazine is out

The University of Toronto’s student newspaper, The Varsity, published its regular magazine issue today. The theme this issue is The Cost of Living []. One of the more interesting articles in this issue talks about the large number of students who are primary caregivers to…

My Moto Q is a good paper weight

My Moto Q smartphone has been on the fritz since June. Apparently, the phone didn’t like the summer humidity and this made keys malfunction. The problem were not covered by the warranty but thankfully were managable. The Q key hasn’t worked since August. Last week, the A and…

Debate censorship by pro-choice student unions?

Forgive me for my sarcasm in this post, but I feel like I’m banging my head against the wall and not even chipping the paint. The only thing I’m achieving is continuing to frustrate myself and getting a headache. Yet, I continue screaming at the top of my…

Remembrance Day 2008

I attended the civic Remembrance Day ceremony this morning in Hamilton, Ontario. Hamilton is the host city for the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum [] and our veterans are honoured each year with a fly-by of World War II-era aircraft led by the Mynarski Memorial Lancaster Bomber. The…

York University strike is CUPE’s Waterloo

Thursday, on the first day of the strike, The Star‘s editorial board decided Friday’s editorial would be critical of the actions of CUPE 3903 []: > Union representatives say they’ll resume negotiations when the university makes a “serious offer.” In fact, the…

Join the discussion at In the classroom!

Annie Prud homme Genereux asks “Is there room for private universities in Canada? Are there benefits? Should it be allowed?” I say yes, there is room for private universities and will contribute to the discussion. What do you think? Add your throughts: Private vs. public education – start the discussion! [http:…

Four cases of E. coli confirmed for U of Guelph students

Public health officials have confirmed [] four University of Guelph students are suffering from an infection caused by E. coli 0157. Public health officials are in the preliminary stages of their investigation and presently know of only one commonality…

CUPE 3903 has the wrong Minister

I’m taking a look at the blog of York University’s striking CUPE 3903. One of the posts [] calls on people to support the union by writing to Ontario’s Minister of Education. If you want to support the union by…