The Risk of Being Known for Knowing

It's an interesting dilemma I've encountered as a subject-focused journalist over the years: in order to get information, I have to earn a reputation as someone in the know. However, being known for being too much in the know results in sources assuming your aware of information, and those sources…

BBS Joey Coleman, Before the Internet

1991 was a special year for me, it was the first time I heard the beautiful sound of a dial-up modem. Grade 4 started at Prince of Wales, and then I ended up at Hess Street School. (I moved a lot) Being at Hess was a transformative experience, for so…

2004 Called and Said My Website Sucks

Just a quick note to RSS followers that I'm redesigned my blog. 2004 called, said my website sucks, and I've gone back to the fundamentals of early blogging design. Of particular note, the BlogRoll is back, take a look in the sidebar by visiting on a desktop device, or you…

So I Nuked My Ghost Blog

Thankful for my backups! Apologies for the RSS dump, again. I went to upgrade my Ghost CMS install this morning, and managed to mess up my entire Node.js install. The result was a support ticket to host, and them reinstalling things for me. Hopefully, I don't break my blog…