Fire at McMaster University

This post was written Saturday October 18, 2008. McMaster University continues to update parents and students on their news page at There was a fire at Hamilton’s McMaster University overnight. There were no serious injuries and the damage is being assessed. The fire occurred in…

The latest from The War on Fun

The War on Fun continues as cowardly university administrators decide anything truly fun is too dangerous for young adults. Earlier this fall, I noted [] the University of Iowa’s attack on its traditional corn eating contest. Now, Quinnipec University is leading…

Brandon U strike ends

A two-and-a-half week faculty strike at Manitoba’s Brandon University ended yesterday evening and students will be returning to classes Friday after the university and its faculty association reached a tentative agreement late Wednesday. Neither side is releasing details of the agreement pending ratification. According to the union, the major…

Record size first-year class at Ontario Colleges

First-year enrolment at Ontario’s 24 public colleges increased 5.6 per cent this September compared to overall enrolment at the beginning of the 2007 academic year. The total number of first-year students at Ontario’s colleges is now 95,805. “Students clearly recognize the tremendous value of the education…

Release the hounds!

The Canadian Federation of Students will not like this article [] in the Calgary edition of Metro. The article describes how graduate students at the University of Calgary are concerned that the CFS will engage in a lawsuit to attempt to keep the…

More housing

Here’s the link to my follow-up housing piece printed in this week’s Silhouette. []…

Here come the mid-October keggers!

Cheques for Ontario’s new Textbook and Technology Grant are in the mail. This means next weekend will involved travelling from kegger to kegger as we celebrate the government’s committment to bribing students with meanless grants.…

The spread of anti-student bylaws

Last year, the City of Oshawa launched what I consider to be an anti-student campaign which began with a series of municipal law enforcement raids [] to harass students. These cumulated in the passing of Canada’s strongest anti-student housing bylaw. This…