Voluntary Student Unionism will not be rolled-back by Rudd government

Australia’s government will not [http://news.smh.com.au/national/govt-not-bringing-back-student-fees-20080811-3t94.html] be reinstating compulsory student union and athletic fees at the country’s universities. Despite calling the implementation of VSU by the Howard government “the cruellest” decision made by the his government, the Rudd government is not willing…

It’s time for universities to think about students

Forbes Magazine [http://www.forbes.com/] is the latest US magazine to publish its own college rankings [http://www.forbes.com/opinions/2008/08/13/best-colleges-ratings-oped-college08-cx_ha_mn_de_0813best_land.html] . As put of their 2008 colleges issue, they included an opinion piece by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the…

Protesting the Bills in Toronto

Seriously, some guys are planning a protest of tomorrow’s Bills in Toronto pre-season game. Okay, I’m no big fan of Rogers (the parent company of Maclean’s) latest business venture. I’m not happy that the NFL is coming to Toronto – I don’t think it’s good…

It appears the university is offering a real deal

Many universities promise first-year students a residence space and they fulfil that promise by screwing students. If you’ve attended an Ontario university, you may have been in a double or triple room which was originally designed as a single or double. Sure, the university may throw in a gimmick…

Too bad for her, she doesn’t live in Hamilton

A lady in Durham Region is raging mad [http://www.thestar.com/News/GTA/article/477380] that the region had the nerve to put a bus route in her neighbourhood which passes by her house. You have to read this article, this lady is quite the character! Luckily for her…

Use Wikipedia Coleman!

Working on a lot of edits to an article which will be hitting the print issue in September and I had to ask an engineering students what microspheres and cenospheres were exactly. He replied quickly with a detail answer ending with this quote “It is very well explained on Wikipedia,…