Affirmative-action votes this fall

*The Christian Science Monitor *has a great piece [] laying out the situations in Arizona, Nebraska, and Colorado where a group called the American Civil Rights Institute is campaigning for ballot initiatives to ban affirmative action in those three states. What I find…

Student lobbying organization votes to boycott “apartheid” Israel

Nearly two months ago, Quebec’s L’Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante (ASSÉ) voted [] to boycott Isreali goods and called for sanctions against…

University president turns down pay raise

The president of the University of Louisville in Kentucky turned down [] a pay raise and bonus worth over $100,000 due to state budget cuts that the university is absorbing. Yes, you read that right—he turned down…

Michael Wesch and The Future of Education

One of my favourite things to do as an undergraduate student is attending guest lectures. When I was at the University of Manitoba, I attended at least two a month. (They were well advertised) One of the perks of my Maclean’s gig is that I get news releases from…

Taking bets: how long will UManitoba’s new president’s honeymoon last?

My home university has a new president and I am taking bets on how long before the University of Manitoba Students’ Union starts attacking him. Dr. David Barnard started his first day by attending [] two “informal gathering” at the Winnipeg…

Good news for UWinnipeg

The announcement isn’t new funding but it’s just as important. The city of Winnipeg is shutting [] one block of Spence street, which divides the UWinnipeg campus, to vehicle traffic for good. This may not seem like much, but it will…