Don’t like the news? Change the channel

The British Columbia government did a great job of changing the channel on higher education this week. If you recall, the B.C. government was facing a lot of attention for its recent changes to higher education; specifically, lowering the amount of funding for higher education. In March, the B.…

CSM supports trend towards ‘affirmative action’ based on income

The Christian Science Monitor, one of my favourite publications, last week wrote an editorial [] favourable to the current trend to improve the number of students from low-income backgrounds at America’s most selective universities. It is worth noting that difference in public…

Debating higher education in the L.A. Times

Last week, the Los Angeles Times ran a five-day series of debates between the Skeptic []‘s Michael Shermer [] and Foundation for Individual Rights in Education []‘s Greg Lukianoff []…

Excellent analysis of financial aid changes in the US

David Leonhardt of The New York Times writes an excellent piece on the dynamics of the current financial aid "arms race" in the US university system. It is well worth the read […

Tragic ending at Carleton

It appears that the story of missing Carleton University student Nadia Kajouji is coming to a tragic end. Ottawa police confirm [] that a body found early Sunday morning in the Rideau River is that of…

Is the increased cost of the undergraduate degree worth it?

David Frum [], a former speech-writer for US president Bush and frequent contributor to the National Post, says the crisis in undergraduate education is similar to the current housing crisis in the US. He believes that a “crash” may be coming in undergraduate education if problems in…

Queen’s U principal resigns

Queen’s University principal Dr. Karen Hitchcock announced she is resigning at the end of the month, after less than four years as the executive head of the Kingston, Ontario university. “After much reflection, I have decided to withdraw my request for reappointment and, with regret, will be stepping aside…