Queen’s U Principal Karen Hitchcock’s resignation email

For those of you interested, here is the email sent by Hitchcock announcing her resignation: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Members of the Queen’s Community, After much reflection, I have decided to withdraw my request for reappointment and, with regret, will be stepping aside as Principal and Vice-Chancellor effective April 30, 2008…

The next Student Code of Conduct: the Student Code of Dress

UK’s Evening Standard reports that some British universities are requiring students to sign contracts regulating dress. The headline and story [http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23478381-details/Scruffy%20students%20are%20told%20to%20ditch%20torn%20jeans%20and%20ragged%20jumpers%20in%20drive%20to%20smarten%20up/article.do] state that students will…

I want my funeral to be in Second Life

I know this is a week old… welcome to the April time-warp. The New York Times tells me blogging kills [http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/06/technology/06sweat.html?_r=2&st=cse&sq=blogging&scp=1&oref=slogin&oref=slogin] . Slate disagrees [http://www.slate.com/id/2188424]…

The undergraduate crisis: grade inflation and student disengagement

Last week, I attended the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance Partners in Education dinner. The dinner featured a discussion panel with author of "Ivory Tower Blues" James Côté, Guelph academic dishonesty researcher Julia Christensen Hughes and McMaster professor Scott Davies. The topic of discussion was the crisis in undergraduate education stemming…

You thought your tuition was expensive?

Tuition at the University of Chicago next year will [http://cbs2chicago.com/topstories/university.chicago.tuition.2.697782.html] be $36,892, with room and board the cost is $48,488. UChicago is not even in the top ten for tuition costs over the border. Less than half of students…

Ontario announces $200 mil for university infrastructure

The Ontario government announced [http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/document/nr/08.04/nr0411.html] $200 million in new money Friday for Ontario universities to fund infrastructure, equipment and security upgrades at the province’s 19 public universities. “Ontario’s skilled and highly educated workforce is a key…

10% admission policy proposed in Michigan

One Michigan lawmaker is proposing [http://www.mlive.com/saginawnews/news/index.ssf/2008/04/michigan_proposal_would_regula.html] that the state’s public universities be required to guarantee admission for student in the top 10 percent of their graduating high school class. The lawmaker hopes the proposal will…

The morning reads

The New York Times Editorial Board tackles the issue [http://theboard.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/04/10/that-textbook-costs-how-much-200/] of textbook costs on its blog. Dan Belzer, a student at Duke University, writes [http://media.www.dukechronicle.com/media/storage/paper884/news/2008/04/10/Columns/Why-Im.Not.Giving.My.Senior.…