I’m confused

During my tour of the University of Western Ontario, I noticed a few campaign posters for Rick Telfer [http://www.ricktelfer.ca/home.html]. Telfer is running for President of the University of Western Ontario Society of Graduate Students. I was initially confused cause I thought he was Executive Director…

Doing the campus tour thing

I’m taking my 16-year old cousin for a tour of the University of Western Ontario today. It looks like it will be the unofficial kind, Western requires that one "pre-books" for tours and silly me, I did not realize this until Monday when the tours for Friday were already…

UAlberta SU joins CASA

Steven Dollansky, VP External of the University of Alberta Students’ Union, posts that the UASU is joining the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations. I predicted this back in the fall and predict that the McMaster Students Union will be joining sometime this year.…

Did you know?

That the UBC Radical Beer Faction has a [http://www.ubyssey.ca/?p=2748] VP Damage Control?…

The new Jerema

Looks like UMSU will be calling for this guy [http://www.themanitoban.com/2007-2008/0312/117.My.first.and.likely.last.foray.into.student.politics.php] to resign as a student in next week’s Toban.…

CRO’s take note

The Dalhousie Student Union elections office went out and created short "intro commercials [http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=dsu2008election&p=r]" for the election candidates. Most of the candidate statements are pretty much the same as last year and what you hear at any campus. The elections office…

More politics

I’m having a bit of a political streak this week, Spitzer combined with writing papers means I’m becoming a political junkie again. Next week, if you are in Toronto and have $25+GST to drop, you can listen to Coyne, a bunch of people I don’t know,…

Mr. Clean caught being dirty

New York Governor Eliot "Mr. Clean" Spitzer is embroiled [http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/S/SPITZER_PROSTITUTION?SITE=WNYC&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT] in a sex scandal which will likely finish his political career. One of my hobbies last winter was following New York state politics, I even listened…