Ryerson election results rolling in

The Ryerson Students’ Union election results are rolling in. I find interesting that the independent candidate is not doing well. For up-to-minute coverage visit the campus media: Eyeopener Coverage [http://eyeopener07.wordpress.com/] or Ryersonian Coverage [http://www.ryersonline.ca/]…

Sheridan gun scare caused by tripod

900CHML, the local AM news station, reports [http://900chml.com/news/news_local.cfm?cat=7428763912&rem=85536&red=80176323aPBIny&wids=410&gi=1&gm=news_local.cfm] that Sheridan’s gun scare last Friday was caused by a tripod.…

The grounds crew

Last night and this morning, I walked from my place to McMaster University. It is normally a 20 minute walk in the summer, it presently takes at least 30 minutes. Last night, I travelled to campus in the middle of a snowstorm. Getting there was very tough, nothing was clear,…

Who’s responsible for native education?

The federal and Ontario government, in a show of how dysfunctional our country can be, are fighting over which is responsible for funding native post-secondary education institutes. Specifically, they are arguing over funding to the First Nations Technical Institute [http://www.fnti.net/]. FNTI is located on the Tyendinaga Mohawk…

$9.5 for Ontario Veterinary College

The Ontario Veterinary College [http://www.ovc.uoguelph.ca/], Canada’s oldest, is receiving [http://www.uoguelph.ca/news/2008/02/post_91.html] $9.5 million dollars from the province of Ontario to develop a primary-care teaching hospital for small animals. The college, one of only four in Canada,…

CFS looks to spread into CEGEPs

The Canadian Federation of Students is looking to expand into Quebec’s Collège d’enseignement général et professionnel. The first stop in their campaign to gain members in this sector is Dawson College in Montreal. The CFS “referendum” is being held this week with voting today and tomorrow. A large…

St. Thomas’ students look for compensation

Students at St. Thomas’ University are negotiating with their university for compensation related to a month long faculty lock-out/strike which ended with the resumption of classes February 5. Canadian University Press [http://cup.ca] reports the university is assuring students there will be some form of compensation for students…

Canada eyes World University Games

At least three Canadian cities have submitted bids to host the World University Games in 2015. The University of Alberta and a group of five Montreal universities have each aimed their sights on the summer games, while Laval University in Quebec City is hoping to host the winter games. The…