You know you're a geek when....

I am working back to back shifts at my job right now. I worked last night from 2:30pm – 11:30pm and today I will be working from 6:30am to 12:30pm or so. I just realized this means that I will get to watch Question Period! I am…

I am in the Zone

Alright, I have been blogging like crazy today over at Maclean’s. Go over check it out [], comment in the forums [], and let me know what you think! (I am working tonight till…

Comments over at

I forgot to mention…. After receiving emails from you complaining that you could not comment about my recent posts over at, the web people over there have created a education forum: I will be participating in it as much as possible. You…

This is what happens when ...

Kevin and I decided to make some improvements to the Engineering Tuck Shop. We figured that the display should be closer to the customers and the desk would have to be moved to achieve this. It could have been worst, I felt that the Tuck Shop stock should have been…

Getting Organized

It has been a crazy couple of months for me. I have been swamped, and not feeling well on a regular basis. So I had fallen behind. The whole Maclean’s thing caught me off guard too. I have been losing a lot of work recently due to stupidity when…