Only Four Permit Violators From 2013 Facing Legal Action

An internal City audit finds that only 4 of 154 outstanding building permit violators from 2013 were facing legal action from the City in February 2014. There was 354 projects, that the City found out about, that started work without a building or demolition permit in 2013 and only 200…

Hamilton Audit, Finance, and Admin Committee for August 13, 2014

Councillors will debate a post-employment cooling off period for senior staff, Development Charge credits for The Centre on Barton, tax competitiveness, and upgrading the City’s online public mapping service. Live video starts at 9:30am. The [full agenda](…

RBG asks City Council to Waive Development Charges for Rock Garden Rejuvenation

Update: Council’s AF&A Cmte approved the waiver. Council must vote on any waiving of Development Charges for “new” developments. [![RBG's Rock Gardens](]('s Rock GardensThe Royal…

Hamilton's Tax Competitiveness Below Other Municipalities

Hamilton’s ranking in relative tax burden compared to other municipalities is poor with many property classes among the highest in the province. [![City Hall at Night (Joanna St. Jacques, used with permission)](](…