SIU investigating after Man Suffers Fractured Femur

[![SIU investigating on Bold Street, November 18, 2012 (Joey Coleman)](]( investigating on Bold Street, November 18, 2012 (Joey Coleman)Ontario’s Special Investigations Unit is…

Grants Sub-Committee for July 2, 2014 [Summary]

Council’s Grants Sub-Committee approved four new grants, and made small increases to two existing grants during their July 2nd meeting. The grants wills some of the last CPP grants, with Council planning to replace the program with a new “City Enrichment Fund” to streamline the City’s entire granting…

Police Investigating Stabbing at Pier 4 Park

[![A photo from Pier 4 during a 2008 fireworks display. (Derek Purdy, CC-BY-ND,](]( photo from Pier 4 during a 2008 fireworks display.…

Neighbours File Bylaw Complaint Against HWDSB over Scott Park site

[] The City is investigating a bylaw complaint filed against the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board related to an overgrowth of weeds on the site of the former Scott Park High School. The School Board now owns the property – again…

Green Acres Outdoor Pool Project Going to Be a Year Late

[![Concept for new Green Acres Pool (Handout/City of Hamilton)](]( for new Green Acres Pool (Handout/City of Hamilton)Add another project to the long list of not completed even close…

McHattie to Unveil 100 Day Campaign Plan on Wednesday

[![Brian McHattie launches 2014 Mayoral Campaign](]( McHattie launches 2014 Mayoral CampaignMayor candidate Brian McHattie says, in a press release, he will launch 100 Day campaign plan Wednesday morning at Sam Lawrence…

Rent is Too High: The Property Taxes are Part of the Reason Why

[![Hamilton's Tax Base Per Acre. (Hamilton/Burlington Society of Architects)](](’s Tax Base Per Acre. (Hamilton/Burlington Society of Architects)One of the greatest myths of property taxes is that renters…