On the Death of Staff Sergeant Ian Matthews

Last night, the City suffered a terrible blow with the sad news of the death of Hamilton Police Staff Sergeant Ian Matthews. Matthews was a great police officer who served us, the residents of Hamilton, for 25 years in some of the most difficult roles on our police service. My…

Hamilton Police Services Board [Replay]

2014 Budget and Conductive Energy Weapons are the two major decisions in front of the Hamilton Police Services Board during their December 2013 meeting.Police Chief Glenn De Caire is asking for a 2.98% increase in 2014. The increase includes the annualized cost of the 15 new officers who…

Special: Hamilton Police News Conference [Replay]

Police Chief Glenn De Caire has called a news conference at 2pm today to “to release a significant update in the investigation of a Homicide.”Chief Glenn De Caire and Detective Sergeant Paul Hamilton will be speaking and taking questions.…

OPINION: Police Services Board Needs to Say No CEWs without Cameras

Today, the Hamilton Police Services Board is expected to take it’s final vote on arming all of Hamilton’s front-line police officers with Conductive Energy Weapons. They should first attach a condition to the request: Every officer equipped with a CEW must also be equipped with a lapel camera.…

Heritage Permit Review Sub-Cmte [Dec 11 // 5pm // No Live]

The Municipal Heritage Permit Review Sub-Committee meets at the same time as City Council on Wednesday, thereby preventing a livestream. They are reviewing two permit requests: one for 280 Park Street South in the Durand-Markland heritage conservation district and another for St. Paul’s United Church in Dundas’ Cross-Melville heritage…

Hamilton City Council - December 11, 2013 [Replay]

City Council is holding their last meeting of 2013 tonight to approve the work of the past two weeks including:– Homelessness Action Plan – Failing Snow Angels Program – Staff Absenteeism – Sexual Harassment – Workplace Harassment – Workplace Culture – Termination (with severance) of Managers during past three years – Fluoridation of Municipal Drinking Water – North…