Application for Partial Demolition of James Street Baptist Church to be heard today at 5:45pm

This article is superceded by Heritage Permit Review Committee Tables James Street Baptist Church Demo Permit Until October 9th [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Heritage Permit Review Subcommittee is meeting at 5pm today (at the same time as City Council) to review a request for…

Hamilton Bike Share Report Delayed Until December [Updated]

Hamilton’s bike share implementation report was due for presentation to the Public Works Committee on October 21, 2013. It is now scheduled for the December 2, 2013 Public Works Committee meeting. UPDATE: As tweeted by Sara Mayo, the City’s posted the Request for Proposals to install and operate…

Rosedale Tennis Club asks Council for $180,000 interest free loan

The Rosedale Tennis Club [] is asking Hamilton City Council for a $180,000 interest free loan [] , repayable over 15 years, to fund a new tennis bubble at the Gage Park facility. The unsolicited request to City…

Hamilton Bishop elected VP of Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Diocese of Hamilton tweets: > Bishop Douglas Crosby, OMI has been elected vice-president for the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops @CCCB_CECC [] [] — Diocese of Hamilton (@DioceseHamilton) September 25, 2013 []…

On Police Policies and Proactive Disclosure, Hamilton Police Should be Transparent

Hamilton Police need to start making their policies available online, and do so proactively. I wrote about a court ruling [] , released yesterday, ordering Hamilton Police to disclose reports related to a collision involving a Hamilton Police officer in 2008. All collisions involving…

Heads Up: Taking a few hours "off" later this week

A friendly heads-up that I will be taking some “off” time later this week to focus on tasks that require concentration and to rest a bit as September’s hectic meeting schedule slows down for a few days. I’m looking to take either Thursday or Friday “off” in the…