The Public School Board and an Old Case of Bad Water Management

Graham Crawford, owner of History and Heritage caught the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board’s attention this weekend when he made one of his trademark posters – about a 2012 Ministry of Environment order against the HWDSB for three violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act. The fine wasn’t covered by…

Bob Bratina talks on Bill Kelly how he can't control the media

Bob Bratina, the Mayor of Hamilton, went on CHML’s Bill Kelly Show Thursday for his monthly radio town hall. What followed was a series of contradictory explainations for why he resigned from the Hamilton Police Services Board earlier this week. Bratina says he resigned from the Police Services Board…

Hamilton General Issues Committee for September 18, 2013

Council is meeting as General Issues Committee today. On the agenda, Emergency Management Response, the first update on the projected 2014 Tax Budget, Metrolinx funding for transit initiatives (LRT), the future of the Hamilton Children’s Museum, and City funding to support Tactical Urbanism.…

Hamilton Planning Committee for September 17, 2013

Hamilton City Council’s Planning Committee meets today to debate a new rental housing bylaw that will charge landlords $100 per unit. Committee will also hear from a consultant who thinks there is a critical shortage of parking available downtown, meaning the Downtown Mosque should not be allowed to expand…

Hamilton Police Services Board for September 16, 2013

Live Video at 4pm Summary The Hamilton Police Services Board (PSB) meets Monday and will discuss the process to replace Chief Glenn De Caire, Chief Glenn De Caire surprised everyone a few weeks ago announcing his decision to not seek a second term as Hamilton’s Chief of Police. He…