Updated 1 time, last update 1044GMT 29 Oct 06
There are now pictures on Flickr of today’s sit in at the SFSS. Students were hanging out watching two members of the G7 pretend to still be Directors of the SFSS. The sets are available was taken by Flickr user doviende and Flickr user Saxifrage
I enjoyed this picture from doviende that she or he took:
The full set of five pictures from doviende is available here and
the full set of four from Saxifrage here
I love the student wearing the crown and the statement:
“You can no more call yourselves directors than I can call myself the Queen of Canada.” He was wearing a crown.
Personally, I think it be a great idea for SFU students to go to their local Burger King, buy a combo, get the BK crown and wear it around campus as a show of protest. That is what I be doing if I was there.
Update 1:
There are now some blogs talking about the sit-in and aftermath of the SGM: